Direct mail that warms hearts and inspires support

Since 1993, Marlena McCarthy has been crafting successful fundraising appeals. She has gained valuable experience through writing for 175 charitable organizations. For many of these charities, Done Write Communications has acted as their primary direct mail agency, offering program analysis and strategy, creating appeals, and doing production management. 

Here are a few appeals created by Done Write.

Canadian Red Cross Society, Ontario Zone
Done Write Communications was the direct mail fundraising advisor and writer for the Canadian Red Cross, Ontario Zone, from 1997 through early 2011. During this time, net profits from direct mail more than quadrupled. This appeal was the first renewal appeal in 2011. 

Here is a thank-you message from Red Cross about Done Write’s 14 years of consultation and writing of their direct mail.

York University, Toronto
This was a renewal letter for Leadership donors. 

Kids Help Phone
This was a third renewal reminder letter that had an outstanding 7.1% response rate. 

North York General Hospital, Toronto
This was written as a test grateful patient acquisition letter. The message was solidly “What’s in it for me?”  It surpassed the results of their control acquisition package by a generous margin, and acted as their control letter for years afterward.